Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sabbath rest courtesy of the electric company

This past Sunday, we had true Sabbath rest in the morning. Not that we do not usually honor the Sabbath but this one was different and it felt great. I wish I could say it was on my own accord, but no, the rest came courtesy of electric company in La Ceiba. The city was without electricity and therefore, in our case also without water, for the entire day. We had heard rumors that the electricity would be shut off at 8 am and come back on at 5 pm, and surprisingly, at 7:58 the lights went out and before we got home in the afternoon the lights were back on. Timeliness is usually not a Honduran virtue.

Not having water or electricity made for a nice quiet Sunday morning. I could not check email, we were not able to listen to a web cast sermon, without internet nobody could use the phone, no water meant no laundry, or daily cleaning, not even the breakfast dishes.
After family devotions, each one of us curled up in a corner of the house reading, praying or playing. With all the normal distractions gone, there were so much more time for God, time to reflect on His word, time to pray and time to listen to Him. Our slow, leisurely morning was such a blessing and we all felt rejuvenated and ready to go when we headed over to the Ninos de la Luz cook out.

God rested on the seventh day and he calls us to do the same. This past Sunday was a very gentle, kind reminder by God for me, of why He calls us to rest, and to keep the Sabbath holy. It restores the soul, rejuvenates the mind and re energizes the body for the work of the upcoming week. I pray that I will retain this lesson and think more carefully about what I and we as a family do on Sundays. The benefits of obedience are too great to disregard.

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